Cartoonized Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie

Farrr N.Idaho Weather

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

We Got Our Hairs Cut!

Mommy said we were pretty shaggy and I (BRD) was really fussing when Daddy brushed my hair, so last week we went to see Jody, our favorite groomer. Hootie is cold all the time now, so has been wearing his sweaters and jacket around the cabin. (Sheesh! Mom keeps it at 60degrees here!)

ON another note, is anyone having problems with using the "font size, bold, italic, or link & spellcheck, etc" features here on Blogger?? We haven't been able to get any of them to work for over a week now. Through shortcuts bold/italic has worked, but the command buttons on the top of the blogspot toolbar do not. Any help out there?

Smooches from pooches,

Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie

PS-Sorry we've been so bad at visiting blogs. We'll try to get on the stick soon!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think Blogger has Springy Fevver. It has been kind of "hinky' for days.

Poor Hootie.. I know how he feels.

I surely do MISS you!!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We had trouble with that on gmail a while ago and it resolved. We don't pretend to understand these things. Now it's a bootiful day here and guess where we are going.

The shower. We've been informed we stink. You two look darling!!!


Miss Lacie

Kari in Alaska said...

Looking good!


Scooter said...

WHOA!! WHOA!! You are looking pretty Snazzi there!!


Pedro said...

Hmmmm, yes actually. My mom tried to use spell check for our post today cause she never thinks she spells ridiculous right and it didn't work! Nice cuts! Now you can see again! Don't worry, warm weather is coming (I hope)!


The JR said...

Ya'll should feel much better, I know I do after a haircut.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're loving those purple sweaters!!

Blogger is giving us fits uploading pictures - it took over 3 hours to get ours loaded on today!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and The Sweet Babes

violett said...

Also we lost our fur!
Tell me, my princess, have you not seen you on my party picture? You were also my guest to the birthday celebration. Hootie also was invited. But all have drunk so much that it forgot all. Blackout. I thought you were sober.
Kisses in your thin skin. Not freeze to death!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

No problems with blogger for me, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that doesn't happen--The last time I had an issue, it lasted well over a month before it was resolved!

Nothing like a trip to the spa for a day huh?? :-))

Two French Bulldogs said...

You guys are sparkling! Looking sweet!
Benny & Lily

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

You both looks totally stylin!

brooke said...

You both look great with your new haircuts!

Duke said...

You both look very handsome with your new hAirecuts! Mom says that we're headed in that direction too VERY soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noodles said...

I DID NOT know you two had EYES!!!
Love Noodles
Pee Ess You look ROCKIN'

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Y'all look great. Hootie you are most handsome.
Sally Ann

Scooter said...

Hey BRD & Hootie!
Wow, you both look just great! Very stylish!
Grr and a Fashionable Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You both look great!!! Nice to get a fresh trim - easy for us to say since we never have our furs trimmed:) BOL But seriously you both look really nice.

Mom has had trouble with font size, no matter what she does, it seems to all go to one size. And tonight Google Reader is really being a PITA.

Hope to see you blogging more soon.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pat Wahler said...

You both look quite adorable with you new do's.

Don't get me started on Blogger. If it isn't one thing, it's another lately. I wish the powers that be would quit with all these "improvements" already.


TwoSpecialWires said...

We didn't even know that Blogger has spellcheck. Maybe that's a good thing, in our case.

And, just in case you don't know him, our friend Pip on GrumpyBobby's blog had a buzz cut. Seein' him might make you think you're still wearing your wool coats. (We think you look great ... just keep wearing sweaters for a few more weeks!)

Enjoy your weekend. We are!
Jake and Fergi

WFT Nobby said...

Very smart. Crossing paws for no more snowstorms..
Toodle pip!

Sally said...

Oh my! I think it is that time of year for everyone - Paddy has been 'trimmed' and there is talk I am next!!!! I will hide until winter!! I hate being groomed.

But I do love your purple jumpers, at least you are hairless but stylish...


Hollie and Janie said...

You guys look fabulous!! I love you new looks! I think yall are ready for spring!

Stanley said...

Baby Rocket Dog & Hootoober!

You are looking FABulous, darlinks! Stella was the same way when she was shorn a couple of weeks ago - my girl had her surfer girl wetsuit-looking coat on her she was so cold. LOVE the fuzz faces!

Goober love & smooches,

Adien Crafts said...

You're looking good guys! Louis feels the cold too and has a fleece to wear.
Our human is often saying bad words to the blogger thingy so I think she has been having problems with it ;-)
Dex & Louis x

Sagira said...

You guys look wonderful! Bet you can see again. :)

Sherry said...

What snazzi spring cuts. I sure hope the weather starts acting like spring so that Hootie and I can stay warm!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We hate blogger. It never wants to coooperate so Mommy gets discouraged and since she's been sick we don't get to block much. We do come by a read blogs when we can just don't leave commnets.

WE do miss you all.

{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie

julee said...

My spring cut is coming soon. You guys look great!

Mommy thinks it's funny that Kate Smith scared you as a kid....she was a big personality...

George The Lad said...

Very smart ;) and cool to, I don't like to go but I fell better after.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Anakin Man said...

great before and after shots-

when me is brushed- Momma says yous can make another pug- ehem..
mini-mastiff's out of me's

It's still cold here- hopefully's it warm up soon!

Anakin Man