Cartoonized Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving A Few Days Early...

Here's a photo of Mommy and the two of us taken in another life, during the Revolutionary War.  Ha! Not really. Mom is just dressed up in her new DAR dress and we wanted in on the photo.  Hootie is being his usual Mommy's boy and I am getting ready to lay down, hence, my flying ears!

 Now, we were in the mood to go down memory lane today, so came across the first Thanksgiving post that we did on our very own blog back in 2009.  It was fun looking at the younger us!  Here is the link to that post, just click this sentence!!

Anywhoooo, it's been ages since we last posted, but wanted to send early Thanksgiving blessings to all who might pass by here to visit.

Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie