Cartoonized Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie

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Friday, April 3, 2009

It Was Fun While It Lasted...

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See what Mommy bought us today?See the fun we had with it?
Look Stella, I'm a soccer star!! XX-Hootie


Shelley said...

Marvin the cat is laughing and glad someone else has to wear something on their head too!

Chase said...

BOL! Well at least you two had a good time tearing that pawsome soccerball apart and it makes a good hat.. :-)

Sniffs and licks,


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom is laughing so hard her sides hurt - look what you two did!!! You wear that ball well, Hootie.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Pee Ess, the video was great.

Wei Qian said...

This is so funny! so you have a new hat now!

best regards

Stanley said...

BRD & Hootie!

That is pretty much what happens around here ALL the time. However, I think Hootie is very resourceful by recycling that stuffie soccer ball into a hat. You wear it well, man!

I'll have to tell Stella to come on by to see you guys in action! LOVE the vid!

Goober love & smooches,

Moco said...

Fast work on that soccer ball. I guess you won't be getting anymore of those.

Faya said...

Hahahahaha I love the way you play ! ...uuuhh in fact we are playing the same way...
I have a question : is Hootie a big welsh or are you Baby a small airedale ? It looks like there is more difference between Dyos and I (I am a big airedale...) ?
Kisses, Faya

Martha said...

Get the hoover out!!!
Martha & Bailey xx

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my goodness that toy has no hope hehehe.
Hootie, you look cute in wearing the stuffy soccer ball. Love the shaking action Baby!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our huMom is rolling on the floor laughing - what a great picture.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Mason Dixie said...

I think the toy looks better now that it is on your head. he he

Duke said...

Well, at least you still have a rope toy to play with!
We love your new hat! hehehe

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Suzuki said...

I have to agree with Mason Dixie... It does actually look better on your head BOL
Big licks to you

Thor and Jack said...

You look great with your new hat!
Great to meet you, Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie!
Love your video and pictures!


TwoSpecialWires said...

Isn't that what toys are for? Shaking and tugging until the fall apart? Isn't that the fun? Looked to us like you were having a GREAT time!

Jake and Fergi

Asta said...

Baby Rocket Dog and looks like you made the most of that special soccew makes a divine hat Hootie. Pawfect fow Eastew, hehehe
smoochie kisses

tula monstah said...

OH noooo...

Baby Rocket & Hootie- huh, a toy that becomes a hat. how clevah! Love the look. Bet your mommie is so proud of you! For football season, the same thing?

2 funny.

kiss kisses,

Clive said...

Hi Baby Rocket & Hootie

looks like you had great fun with that ball!

we signed up to you also - it will make your mum happy - makes the numbers even again!

hope you had a good weekend

lots of woofs

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Baby
I think this post has confirmed, for all of us on the other side of the Pond, that our dear American cousins just haven't quite got the hang of football (soccer) yet.
Perhaps I could come over and explain the rules??
Cheers! H.

Princess Patches said...

What a great Easter bonnet, Hootie! Too bad your new soccer ball 'sploded so quickly! It sure did look like fun, though!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee.....don't ya just hate it when a new toy splodes like that ???? We sure do.... cause then Gram puts 'em in toy hospital til she can sew 'em back up again. But I tell ya that one even Gram couldn't put back together again......nope....worse than Humpty Dumpty bein' cracked......that toy is a goner fer sure....

But ya enjoyed it while it lasted and we know they make 'em that way on purpose so ya have ta buy more....

Dewey Dewster here....

Clive said...

Hi guys

Us again - you've been tagged! Drop over and check it out on our blog when you get the chance!

lots of woofs

Digsby Mac Feegle said...

You sure showed Hottie who the king of Tug-o-war is!

Agatha and Archie said...

We have been MIA but here we are again!! Man we missed a lot of good stuff!! We LOVE the way you guys destuffed that stuffie...right in true terrier style...and we love the pic of you guys in the the back of your car smiling!!! MUAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! lvoe and kisses A+A

Jen said...

You just need to give them an old pair of underwear and they will have just as much fun. Ha!
I miss Hootie and BRD :( and you too. :) ox