Cartoonized Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lucky Dog Give Away!!!


Okay pups and peoples. Here is the story. Our mommy went out and bought some really cool AKC Green Planet toys for us the other day. We liked them so much we decided that we wanted to share with some lucky dog (or hooman), so we’re going to have our very first give away.

We’re dogs, but we want to keep this simple because we know some hoomans will want to get in on the action. The rules are:

1- Each comment left will be equal to one entry.

2- No more than two comments per day, per blogger.

That’s about it. Tuesday, Feb. 10th will be the last day for entering, so tell all your buddies to stop by and enter. If we get deluged with entries, we may increase the number of prizes to be given away. So far our 2 followers have a great chance of winning!! Good luck.

Hootie was so interested as Mommy was taking pictures of the prize otter. He slowly worked his way up to it.

He is such a sneaky little fellow! He almost got it but Mommy was quicker than he was!


Stanley said...

Hootie sure is sneaky, just like all little brothers and sissies are! GLad your mama saved Mr. Otter before the destruction began!

You, Baby, and your mama & Hootie Hoot Hoot are so sweet to be doing this give away. I'll have Stella come by to leave a comment too, since she's TOTALLY into anything that squeaks!

Goober love & smooches,

Noah the Airedale said...

Cool you've got your own blog. That great maties. The give away is a top idea.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy x

Stella said...

Sweet Baby Rocket Girl & little Hootie Boy!

Welcome to the world of dogblogging, and thank you for stopping by to say howdy do! I just saw what my big hairy brother, Stanley had to say about siblings, and I'm here to say that we are not sneaky, but resourceful!

Can't wait to become buddies with you.

Goobery love & kissies,
Stella Bean Latifah

Bogart H. Devil said...

Congratulations on getting your OWN blog - not that it wasn't interesting to read your mama's blog, but hey, the world NEEDS more of the two of you!!!

Let me know if I can help ya at all :)

Big Aire Kisses,

Jen said...

My little devil, oops! I mean angels need a new doggie toy to disembowel. They've never had an otter.
Please enter us in your wonderful giveaway!

Duke said...

We had our River otter in our pond one day and he was HUGE! We think you're a whole lot cuter and probably more friendly than he would have been!
We're so happy that you guys got your own bloggie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Digsby Mac Feegle said...

Thanks for the heads up about your giveaway contest! What a great way to celebrate your new blog! Mom said I don't need anymore toys but she is at work and will never know that I logged on and put my name in the running!
I'm excited to read more about your adventures here.

The Black and Tans. said...

Is Mr Otter still in one piece??? We bet you keep trying to sniff him out!! hee hee.

Molly and Taffy xx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Good news: Mommy saved the otter from Hootie,so he's still brand new! We're counting all comments from the beginning of the blog until next Tuesday at 4pm Mountain Time. Thanks for continuing to visit us. We luv our doggy-bloggy buds!!!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oh, And Bogart, Thanks for the offer of blog help. Our Mommy might really need help with the technicalities some time...she's not quite as bright as us pups!

Jen said...

It's really nice that we are allowedto comment here everyday to qualify as another entry.
Otter wise our chances of winning would only be half as good. :D

Anonymous said...

Oh you Jen! Amy would probably love the otter...It's almost as big as the "Cheewawas"!! Smooches from pooches,BabyRD & Hootie

pigeon said...

Would cats like your toys too? I have three and they have their own toy box. - Elise from

Anonymous said...

Pigeon Lady, They might! Apparently the cat that once lived in our home didn't played with cat toys, so we inherited a bunch of miniature stuffie toys.They didn't last long here.he he. Mom says some cats really like to play with stuffed things though.The otter is 11 1/2inches long. You're entered in the contest...if they don't like it, give it to some loucky dog!! Love, Hootie

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Butchy & Snickers, The squirrel WAS our favorite too!! Until BabyRD pulled his tail off yesterday that is.Now it lays in the "to be sewn" pile. Mommy always has toys that need repair in that pile. She sews & repairs until there isn't much material left to pull a needle through. XXOO-Hootie