Here is the update on our Blog Grand Opening Give Away !!! Daddy picked a winner, then another and then a 3rd. We had to stop him or next thing we knew he would be giving OUR toys away. So, the news everyone is waiting for:
Butchy & Snickers were the 3rd names drawn & their prize is this lovely 2009 Airedale calendar.
And the final prize, and we otter say last but not least, goes to Jen, mommy of Amy, Hersey & Betty.
Winners, please go to our profile page and email your mailing address to our Dad. Put the words "Blog Winner" in the subject line. Your prizes will be mailed out promptly. Congratulations to you all. This was so much fun we'll do it again in a while!!
Smooches from pooches, Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie
Don't forget to leave a comment so you can be entered in our blog Grand Opening Give Away!! The drawing for the winner will take place on Tuesday after 4pm. Our Daddy gets home from work between 4 & 5, so we'll wait til then to pick the winner. The suspense is killing us!! Will the prize be shipped overseas or where? BTW, everyone who has left a comment since our first post is in the running. SOooooo exciting.
Good luck to all our buddies! XOXO - Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie
Hope you let your Dad have a nice cuppa and put his feet up before making him work again at the draw. LOL.
Molly and Taffy xx
Oh man that otter looks awfully tasty.
can I post here to be entered again, or do I need to leave comments only on the OTTER post?
he he he!
We can't wait to see who the winner is! That's one cute otter!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
So sweet. You are too cute....
Cocoa and Ozzie would love that toy, but the problem is it would be headless in a matter of minutes...Cocoa does not play with too many dog toys. SHe just destroys them!!! So don't put this comment in the running...I just had to tell you that. :)
Hi Baby and Hootie,
Just to let you know that the bushfires are way away in Victoria - nowhere near me. But I did hear today that my ancestral home, Old Iron Kennels did burn down - all the dogs and the humans got away okay thankfully. Lot's of dogs were not that lucky, unfortunately.
Hey, buds!
What a great idea this is. (I thought we already commented on this post before, but blogger must not have taken it.) We love checking out what is going on in Baby RocketTown & Hootieville!
Goober love,
Hey kiddos...I'm not sure what the holdup is with your DWB membership - I know that Greg & Brooke have probably been very distracted lately (they're in Australia - lots of wildfires and whatnot). I'm gonna drop them an email for ya just to make sure they received it.
WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! That otter looks as big as us!
Many barks, drools, and licks-
Betty, Hershey and Amy!!!
Bogart, Hey thanks. You are terrific! We didn't know that DWB was from Oz. We won't be concerned then.
Betty, Amy & Hersey, You can all ride him at the same time!!
Butchy & Snickers, We'll have Dad check his email tonight!
Congratulations to the winners! That was fun guys!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That's an otter? It looks more like a ferret to me! (I really need to get my eyes checked). Then again, I always get my kangeroos and wallabies confused, too. So it might not be my glasses after all!
M & M, We wish we had more gifts to give, but we'll have another contest in a month or so. Mom's trying to think up a good prize. XX-BRD & Hootie
John, Admit it, you are animalie impaired! That's okay, all you hoomans look the same to us too!! he he. BabyRocketDog & Hootie
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