We got our first award today, the Honest Scrap, from our new friend, Scratchy Paws. We are really excited to get this, because now somedoggy, no names mentioned, now has to be truthful and not such a fibber!! Yes, Youootie know whootie you are!! Our own Mommy didn't pass it on to us when she had it, so we thank Scratchy Paws for recognizing the great potential we possess. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Here are the instructions: "When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap" weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!"
Since there are 2 of us (one lesser than the other) we'll split up the chore, er I mean honor. Ladies first, ladies first!!
#1- Okay, I am really a scaredy cat when it comes to loud noises. I hate anything that clangs, chugs or rattles. When I was younger while walking down the sidewalk passing vehicles would make me cower. I am not proud of this.
#2- I hate having my hairs brushed. I will chew on the brush handle and act up most every time that nasty comb comes out. I am thankful the hoomans don't make me get stripped (like poor Kimi).
#3- I have deliberately pushed Hootie off of the big pillow. He always deserves it, but I act innocent like it is an accident.he he.
#4- I sneak up on the couch at night when everyone is sleeping. I jump down before they can catch me.
#5- I thought I was a Labrador Retriever when I was younger. My best buddy then was a sweet yellow Lab named Sophie and we'd always play together. The first time I saw an Airedale I was in shock...I thought what kind of strange, hyper dog is this! That is before we adopted Hootie.
That's it for me. Airekisses, BabyRocketDog
Oh goody, it's my turn! I, Hootie, will be very truthful to all our bloggy buds!
#1- I used to eat poop. Yes, and I still miss it. I am now a member of PEA (Poop Eaters Anonymous.) and am trying to keep my nose clean. Literally. I miss it's fragrant aroma. They have me sequestered in the city now, so all that good moose, deer and turkey poop is just a far off dream. Oh this is too hard. Must stop.
#2- I can't catch a ball and have NO desire to try. I would rather chew on it. There, I said it.
#3- I love Puppy Class. Next week is my last one and I wish it would go on and on. I could be a professional student!
#4- I think I am much larger than I really am. I'm 22#, but feel like I am abou
t 75#. I love big dogs. I would like to eat little dogs, like chee-wa-was. They run like little rodents and I was born to give chase to rodents!!
#5- I still pee on the hoomans floor regularly. They aren't always picking up my vibes telling them to let me outside, so I just let loose. I mean, what are tile floors for anyway? I'm thinking they have a purpose and that is to make for easy clean up, am I right?? Momma tells Daddy that I only do it when he gets home, so he takes the fall. I have it timed perfectly!
That is enough truth for now. Wow, I feel like I've been to see the doggy shrink. Such wonderful, freeing therapy! (Thaireapy for BRD.)
Now here are our picks for 7 new awardees (if these are duplicates, please forgive us):
1- OOOpppps! It's time to go to Puppy Class. We'll finish this when we get home.
Smooches from pooches, BRD & Hootie
Okay,I'm back & I gotta tell you I was a star. Did a perfect "roll over" and also "stay" for over 30 seconds. I was amazing, even if I do have to say so myself. Now on with the awards! Our computer just went down & I lost most of my award info. Kitty krap!! I'm gonna try to resurrect who I sent notes to. If I don't have you down here, please drop me a line. Thanks. XXX-Hootie the Wonderdog#1- Princess Snowball is a lovely little lady who likes to play dress up.
#2- Moco is a terrier who lives with spaniels and is so adorable!
#3- A handsome Airedale fellow Kimi who is named after a race car driver! His mommy is an ace groomer!
#4- Dewey Dewster is a sweetie who lives with a Lakie and and another WFT. Lots of terrier fun!
#5-Molly a Jack Russell Terrier who is comfortable sleeping with cats and eyeballing turkeys from her house.
#6- Digsby Mac Feegle is still a pup, but he shows great potential. Go visit & he'll show you where to check for scary monsters!
#7- Lucia, yes, another airegal, but what do you expect?! We're terriers!
#8- Honey a gorgeous Goldengirl is fond of wearing wigs! She really doesn't need them though, cuz she's beautiful au natural!
Now we hope that you all go visit these fabulous pups blogs...and don't forget to come back here and see what mischief we're up to!!
Lots of love and kisses from BabyRocketDog & Hottie, oops, Hootie ;<)