The item featured today was purchased online at . After my lousy haircut at PS on March 19th Mom searched for an instructional drawing for a proper Airedale cut. She found this website and ordered the 8 1/2 x 11, double sided, hard copy , grooming poster for $6.99 + $5.95 S&H, $12.94USD total. (That is their discription of the item.)
The chart arrived today, and it did look just like the picture, but it was a xeroxed copy , and not on hard stock paper or laminated. Just a double sided copy of the chart in a light plastic sleeve. What a disappointment this was. Now the write up did not say it was on cardboard or laminated, it just said "hard copy" so Mommy may have jumped to a conclusion there. Does anyone else think this sounds like a rip-off?
Well, that concludes our first installment of "Not Worth The Money.../??". If you have any suggestions for future posts, let me know!
Your Consumer Reporter,
Baby Rocket Dog