This is Daddy's broken and dislocated collar bone. For the scoop on what's happening in this ongoing saga, please click here. Thanks for your continued crossed paws, magical Aire-zen and prayers! We love you guys.
Your pals, Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie
Holy ouchness ~ I wish I could fix him all up - that looks so painful. My Mommy and I are still crossing paws and fingers for him to get well and feel good soon.
Wow that does not look like it would be comfortable at all. My paws are crossed for a speedy recovery.=)
poor dad!!!!!!!!
him collar bones doesn't look very very good!!
we'll continue to cross our paws and keep you in our prayers!!!
Hope he get well and feel good soon!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!
Paws are crossed here, we're gonna go check it out now!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Oh no! Mommy broke her collar bone years ago (that's why she only wears a harness now! Just kidding...) when she was walking down a hallway, turned to talk to someone and walked into a fuse box! Ouch.
Get your Daddy a gentle leader until his collar is all fixed up, okay?
Your pal,
Poow Daddy
That must be vewy ouchy!
I'm sending vewy special healing smoochies fow him
Crossing our paws.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Marvin and Scout are sending their prayers! Meow and WOOF!!
bless his heart - we will continue our paw crossing and prayers
Oh no! That collar bone looks mighty messed up - we are keeping our paws crossed for you - we send you all the healing vibes we have
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
That collar bone picture is very interesting indeed. Have you considered selling it to a modern art dealer? Might help pay the medical bills!
Paws still crossed for rapid healing.
Cheers, H.
This does not look good to us at all! We're cranking up the AireZen! We sure hope your daddy feels better soon, Hootie and BRD!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Crikey mates....is your dad in a lot of pain? It doesn't look good at all.
We're with Maggie & Mitch and cranking up the aire-zen.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Baby & Hootie!
You tell your mama to do whatever she needs to do to help your dad get the treatment he needs. I'm sure you'll be good pups while she's gone (if she has to go to Phoenix)!
Give your mama & dad both some goob smooches for us - for comfort & to help with the healing.
Goober love,
Major ouchie!!! We can just imagine that every move and breath must bring pain. Good thoughts coming from us for quick healing and relief.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh dear that is a sore broken collar bone if ever we saw one!!!
Hope you have plenty of painkillers for you poor Dad.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Ok, poor Dad. Our paws are still crossed for him. And give him a lot of sweet swiss kisses !
Faya & Dyos
Ciao BRD and Hootie!
Your poor papa! We will definitely keep him (and your whole famiglia!) in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted!
Tanti baci!
Ouch! That look so painful!
Your poor Daddy!
~lickies, Ludo
oh my ... I will keep my paws cross and send healing vibes over!
best regards
Your poor Dad. Mom too, she must be worried. I'm sending major amounts of healing zen all the way from over the big pee. It better get there. And some love and kisies for you all too. ERic xxxx
We are so far behind. The crazy old bat is not keeping up very well. We hope your daddy feels better soon.
I know collarbones can grow back together...I also know you can wait for that to happen for a long time and can end up havin' surgery anyway...get a second opinion!!
We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!!! Keep us updated!!!
& Scruffy, Lac and Stan
WE are sending pawsitive thoughts and gentle licks to your Daddy. We hope he is feeling more comfy very soon.
MOlly and Taffy
OUCH...we are sending a boat load of wft healing power to help fix it..Love and gentle kisses A+A
We're sending all the Aire-zen we can muster! We hope your daddy is better really soon!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
I don't think that looks right. He better get glued back together again, huh?
Hi! We're back! Sorry we haven't been coming around lately. Sure have missed you.
Oh your poor dad, that must be really painful. We're sending him healing vibes!
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