Cartoonized Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Warning! Graphic Pictures of Baby's Surgery...

 They discovered another lump when Baby Rocket Dog went in for her surgery today.
 Her drains are oozing blood and she still isn't feeling well.
I'm guarding the living room, since I'm 2nd in command & Baby's out of commission.
They didn't want me bothering BabyRD since she is in recovery after her surgery, so she is staying in our mudroom.  I sat next to the mudroom door after she came home and cried for her for about an hour.  I miss her.

Mommy and I will go to the thrift store tomorrow morning and buy BRD some t-shirts.  The vet's office said it would be good to keep her in a t-shirt while she has the drains in.  Her IV pain medication will wear off by tomorrow, so she has a pain pill to take for the next 5 days.  She is a very good girl and hasn't complained at all so far. She threw up once, and hasn't even had any food at all since yesterday. Sheesh.

Dr. Hall sent Baby's tumors away to University of Washington for biopsy and we should know the outcome by Monday.  Thank you all for your prayers and crossed paws.  Please keep it up!

PS-We never made it to the Mutt Strutt last Saturday because our mommy was in the ER with a kidney stone. We couldn't figure out how such a little thing would put her in the hospital! She's good now...Good thing too,  'cuz we need her to take care of us.


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh BabyRD, we missed your post on Friday and just learned about your surgery. You are such a brave girl, we hope you are feeling better soon.
Take good care of her Hootie. We are sending lots of healing purrs and prayers your way.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Sending Lots of Golden Healing Thoughts. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

Duke said...

We're sending you tons of AireZen, BRD. We hope you feel better soon. Take good care of her, Hootie!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

Baby RD! You look kind of stoned. I think that is a good thing so that you won't feel so owie.
Sending big vibes. You know it!


Niamh said...

Paws crossed for you Baby RD. We hope you recover soon and they can take those icky drains out.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Double paws khrossed here!

Of khourse, U of W is a furry great place!

It RUNS under HUSKY PAWer - even if their maskhot is a Malamute!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Mee....I's been in and out of Blogville fur da last few weeks and didn't nose bout dis! Sending Baby lots of crossed paws (36 of em) and Mom is sendin' prayers too for a good report.

Glad your Mom is feelin better.

houndstooth said...

Our paws are crossed tightly here for Baby! How scary! We're glad that at least the surgery is behind her and she's on the road to recovery now.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dearest Furends, I am so sorry that BRD had to have even MORE surgery than expected.
BRD... you will LOVE the TeeShirt thingy. It will help you to feel more comfortable and LOOK STYLISH to Boot!!
Ernie and I have our paws crossed that your recovery goes very much smoothly.
You just sit back and let Hootie take care of you. AND take care of your mom too!!

Scooter said...

Hey BRD!
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear you had some dogtor surgery. I'm sure you'll heal up fast with all of the love coming your way from your furiends. I am sending all of my bestest healing love to you and I'm really glad your mommy is better now.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

GOOSE said...

I'm still sending the good vibes, got my paws crossed and staying prayers. Hootie you are doing a good job of guarding and letting BRD know you are there.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sending lots of good vibes and crossing our paws for you, BRD. Hope the test results come back good and hope your recovery goes smoothly. Phantom says the t-shirts help even if he didn't like wearing them.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Carol said...

So sorry to read about the surgery, were sending good thoughts and prayers, feel better soon.

The silvers and more

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Paws crossed for Baby Rocket Dog and your Momma! BRD sort of looks like Franken-doggie at the moment, but we are certain she'll be back to her usual self in no time! We'll keep our paws crossed that the lumps just turn out to be plain old boring lumps and nothing else.

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

rottrover said...

Our paws are crossed too, BRD! Sending pawsitive thoughts to those biopsy results.

-Bart and Ruby

Ruby said...

Oh my, that looks like it hurt. So sorry about that, sending AireZens! My name is Ruby, and would like to say I just love your bloggie! Hootie, keep up the good work on protecting Baby!


George The Lad said...

Oh dear, wish I could be there to give you all a hug.
We have our paws crossed and sending hugs and kisses to you and Mom.
Love George, Tess and Jan xxx

brooke said...

Poor Baby Rocket Dog!!! Big hugs and Giant Dane kisses from us in Seattle to all of you! Hope she heals up quickly!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We just came over from Mango's bloggie and wanted to let you know we are sending paws-itive thoughts your way BRD!

Dory and the Mama

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Baby Rocket Dog, we send you gentle hugs and smoochie kisses to help you get well soon. Here's some more for your mum too. Hootie, you are in charge now right? Take care all. No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Rory

The Black and Tans. said...

BRD we do hope you have had a more comfortable day today. It is horrid having to have surgery and then stay calm and quiet.

Molly perked up on day 3 and thought she could run and play!

We are now on Day 12 and she has just come to say hello to us under strict supervision. We couldn't afford for her to split her stitches so she had to stay calm.

We have all our paws crossed for good lab results.

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh we forgot to say, the t-shirt was bought from our vets. It is designed for girls and covers tummy operations and fastens neatly around the tail.

Asta said...


You'we wondewful to be guawding sweet Baby Wocket Dog. Poow Baby, that must be vewy vewy ouchy. I am cwossing my paws fow hew to feel bettew and most espeshully that the tests come back wif good news. Meantime pleez give BWD tons of my healing smoochie kisses
Pee ess, Mommi is pwaying too

Ruby said...

Get better soon BRD! Looks like they really took the knife to you. Paws crossed for good pathology reports. All the best,
Ruby and Gracie

The World According to Garth Riley said...

Baby Rocket Dog,

Mango sent me over to check on you. I'm so sorry to hear you had surgery and I hope you feel better REALLY soon! I'm sending healing lab thoughts your way! (I'm a certified therapy dog, so I can do that.)

Paws crossed for a super-quick recovery. Make sure your mom gets you some really hip t-shirts.


Lorenza said...

My paws are crossed for BRD!
I hope she will be like new in no time and the results will be great!
I hope your mom is doing well too!
My mom... and myself... we know about those little things causing lots of pain!
Take care
Have a nice and relaxing weekend.
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

Poor baby...we are sending so many good vibes
Benny & Lily

Bassetmomma said...

We're keeping our fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery for Baby Rocket and positive vibes for her test results! I feel so bad for you Hootie as I know you just want to be with her. It will all get better soon and you will be able to spend time with her.
I feel so bad for your Momma too! With all that's going on, then to have a kidney stone, ouch! My hubby gets them and they are one of the most painful things!

Maxmom said...

I can't believe this sorry to hear about this big scare and worry. My fingers will be crossed, our prayers will be said and we will be sending the warmest of healing vibes your way. Just 'live in the moment' for now -
I know how easy it is to imagine the worst, but whatever the outcome...we are with you.
I am so sorry to to hear about your Kidney stone too...what an ordeal. Get better soon!
Sending lots and lots of love
Caryl and the pack

Sally said...

We are so sorry that BRD is going through this . We are sending all our healing vibes and pray she feels 100% as soon as possible. We are also sending healing vibes to your Mom - kidney stones - ouch!

Big licks
Sally, Paddy, Klaus and Honey

PS Thanks for dropping by our blog and not forgetting about us!

Oskar said...

Oh my gosh, we didn't even know about the surgery. Poor BRD! It's good that she is being so brave & that you are taking such good care of her.

Hugs to your mom too, kidney stones are no fun.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Sally Ann and Andy said...

There are four little black and tan paws crossed, and four little white paws crossed here in Atlanta for y'all. We will only uncross them to go potty, and then we will recross. Lots of welsh kisses and Eskie hugs, Sally Ann and Andy

The Thuglets said...

Baby Rocker Dog we are sneding you lots of positive vibes and airezen for your speedy recovery. We have all our paws crossed.
So sorry we are late with this message.
Extra Specail Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Droopy, Smiley, and Kayah said...

Dear Baby Rocket,

We hope you feel better soon. We have our paws and ears crossed!!! Our foster brother, Mickey, had those yucky drains but he healed up great. We hope the same for you.

The CheeseHounds

Koobuss said...

Hi Hootie,

Sure hope that all goes well for BRD and that she has a complete and speedy recovery.

You are doing a great job of guarding the patient. That will help to make her feel better sooner.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,

Keith Andrea said...

.,oh so sorry about the surgery., hope you're fine now..we're sending you our thoughts and prayers..

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