My mommy took me to a car show today. We actually just planned on going to the Farmers Market, but it happened that that Rod Benders Car Show was going on. It was really cool, because the whole main street was closed off and some side streets too. People were walking all around with their dogs on the streets and lots and lots of cars were parked with their hoods (bonnets to you Brits!) opened. I loved it because people kept stopping and saying how handsome I am and letting me lick their faces and WANTING me to jump up on them! Mom would say, "Hootie, no!" and they'd say, "Oh it's fine. I love dogs." Over and over again that would happen. Mommy finally gave up. In the night they'll have something called a street dance but Mom won't take me saying something about my dad being the only one she would attend a dance with, and he's in Arizona for another few weeks sooooo.
After we were done at the car show I got to help some middle school cheer leaders wash our car. Then I got a pumpkin treat as a reward and layed with my belly in the cool grass while the girls finished off washing our Jeep. It was a wonderful day for me. Baby Rocket Dog stayed home to watch the cabin and was promised a special day with Mom some other time. It's good to get a little one on one time with our hoomans sometimes!
Welshie Smooches,
BRD & Hootie... You have a JEEP Too??? Is her name Jennifer like MINE?? I LOVE her licence plate
Wow that was a grrrreat time fur you at the car show!! I really enjoyed seeing it... esp. since I didn't have to RIDE in any of the cars and stuffs. heheehe
I am glad that you took your mom out and about since she must be missin your dad something fierce.
What a great fun day you had! I think your being in front of those 'vintage cars,' adds value to them!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
sure looks like fun. We love those cars
Benny & Lily
Sure you had a great time there!
And of course everyone wanted to pet you!
My grandpa would love to see all those beautiful cars!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Whoa, now this do be furry kreepy. Not only did mom and I hike in your mom's footprints yesterday, my mom did a collage of waterfalls ofur on her bloggie ( just like you did a collage of old cars! I wonner if'n our moms be related coz they do be thinking alike!
Those were some fine looking cars! But, it looks like you were the star of the show today!
Hootie love the collage I can just see lacie cakes in that pink one ;)
It just must be something about us WT's that folks just have to make a fuss of, I get the same, I do try hard not to jump up but I can't help it.
I think its cus we look like Teddy Bears!!
Gald you got some one to one with mom and you sure had a good time.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
HAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY it's us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen we are blaming EVERYTHING on PL2.... but here we are! Listen were you able to buy any of those cool cars? And dont ya LOVE it when people let you jump all over them and you get to act crazy? FABULOUS!! Love and kisses A+A
You certainly bring out the beauty in those old cars! What a fun day!
Thanks for the nice comment on Joe's blog. We are loving all the comments and messages and they help so much.
Hootie, what a fabulous outing! You look amazing next to every one of those street rods, too!
Our mom loves playing this stoopid game - if she could have any car, which one would it be? Guess which one she chose? She loves the one in the last row, second from the right - the one with the flag on the bumper. She loves the real antiquers!
What a fun day you had, Hootie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You look great! I think you look very cute next to the cars. Did you buy one? Your flat self came to my baby brothers party.
Sally Ann
Looks like you had a great time at the car show. :)
Hey Hootie!
Wow, my dad's going all crazy for these car pix! He loves these. I personally am more interested in the shots of you. Sounds like a great day of visiting with pups and pees...followed up by a treat! Perfect.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Hootie, it looks like you had a wonderful day!
Wow, you sure saw a lot of different cars!
Of course hoomans LOVE us to jump all over them - it's just the staff that object.Weirdos. Looks like a fab day!
What a fantastic day you had with your Mom. those cars looked fabulous.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Cars, girls, walks, outside. Sounds like a perfect day! thanks for sharing.
Wow!! What a fun day!!! And it's always a good day when only the car gets washed!! ;)
Love, Janie
Those are some pretty snazzy looking cars! And I bet those pretty ladies were in love with you two. TEE HEE
Hootie..yer collage is brilliant!
Some absolutely spiffing motors.
Have a great weekend.
Big Nose POkes
The THugletsx
That looks like it was a very fun day out! :)
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