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My mommy took me to a car show today. We actually just planned on going to the Farmers Market, but it happened that that Rod Benders Car Show was going on. It was really cool, because the whole main street was closed off and some side streets too. People were walking all around with their dogs on the streets and lots and lots of cars were parked with their hoods (bonnets to you Brits!) opened. I loved it because people kept stopping and saying how handsome I am and letting me lick their faces and WANTING me to jump up on them! Mom would say, "Hootie, no!" and they'd say, "Oh it's fine. I love dogs." Over and over again that would happen. Mommy finally gave up. In the night they'll have something called a street dance but Mom won't take me saying something about my dad being the only one she would attend a dance with, and he's in Arizona for another few weeks sooooo.

After we were done at the car show I got to help some middle school cheer leaders wash our car. Then I got a pumpkin treat as a reward and layed with my belly in the cool grass while the girls finished off washing our Jeep. It was a wonderful day for me. Baby Rocket Dog stayed home to watch the cabin and was promised a special day with Mom some other time. It's good to get a little one on one time with our hoomans sometimes!

Hope you all are having a great weekend too.
Welshie Smooches,