The devil made me do it!!
#25 ~ Carmen

#24 ~ Spongy
He's a unicorn with a princess on his back!!
#23 ~ Kitty
Look closely and you'll see Kitty is edible. She's a banana split!
#22 ~ Brutus
Brutus takes his Vader seriously and is kind of ticked off at that Super Bowl Kid Vader.
We quote: "You don't know the power of the dark side!"

#20 ~ Taffy
Can you believe that he is on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout?!
Mack was always a hot dog in our book!
#17 ~ Prince Piper
Hard to believe that Piper has a little devil in him. Doesn't he look innocent?!

This little pup is very talented. An ace cheer leader & agility student!

#24 ~ Spongy
He's a unicorn with a princess on his back!!

Look closely and you'll see Kitty is edible. She's a banana split!

Brutus takes his Vader seriously and is kind of ticked off at that Super Bowl Kid Vader.
We quote: "You don't know the power of the dark side!"
BabyRocketDog chose her full ballerina outfit and Hootie went for the cow suit.

#20 ~ Taffy
Can you believe that he is on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout?!
Mack was always a hot dog in our book!

Hard to believe that Piper has a little devil in him. Doesn't he look innocent?!
so this is his dream costume.
#15 ~ Cleo
This outfit was made from children's clothes. All the decorations were done by Cleo's mommy.

#14 ~ Beauford
Doesn't he look enthused about this whole contest? BOL!!

This outfit was made from children's clothes. All the decorations were done by Cleo's mommy.

#14 ~ Beauford
Doesn't he look enthused about this whole contest? BOL!!
Hey, it's cold in the UK now.
Molly believes in always being prepared. Her Girl Scout vest testifies to this! Atta girl!!
#11 ~ Molly (Australia)
This Molly doesn't believe in costumes...She believes as clothes as a lifestyle statement!
Molly believes in always being prepared. Her Girl Scout vest testifies to this! Atta girl!!

This Molly doesn't believe in costumes...She believes as clothes as a lifestyle statement!
Please click on her photo above to read her wonderful post about this!!
Who wouldn't want a wonderful, screen printed Airedale pup on ones back?!!

#9 ~ Morgan
Okay, we know you're asking,"Why does Morgan have that pot lid on her chest?"
Well, she's from Pittsburgh and she was prepared with this riot gear in 2009 when the G-20 Conference was held there. Smart thinking Morgan! hehe.
#8 ~ Maisie
Aww come on. Even a skull and a "BOO" can't make such a pretty girl scare us. bol.
#7 ~ Sagira
We just met this young lady, but are very impressed that she has both beauty and brains. Sagira is a therapy dog when she's not playing pirate!!
#6 ~ Mason
Is there a small Frenchie under your hat Mason? haha.
You are surprisingly calm for having 2 very active French Bulldogs at home!
#5 ~ Pauley
Though Pauley is a foster dog she's made herself at home.
Celebrating the New Year in style with the fam!

#9 ~ Morgan
Okay, we know you're asking,"Why does Morgan have that pot lid on her chest?"
Well, she's from Pittsburgh and she was prepared with this riot gear in 2009 when the G-20 Conference was held there. Smart thinking Morgan! hehe.

Aww come on. Even a skull and a "BOO" can't make such a pretty girl scare us. bol.

We just met this young lady, but are very impressed that she has both beauty and brains. Sagira is a therapy dog when she's not playing pirate!!

Is there a small Frenchie under your hat Mason? haha.
You are surprisingly calm for having 2 very active French Bulldogs at home!

Though Pauley is a foster dog she's made herself at home.
Celebrating the New Year in style with the fam!
OMG, how are we ever to decide? HELP!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I can NOT believe that I actually entered...wearing THAT!!!!
The cawstoooooms are grrrrreat. I can't decide who to vote fur.
OmG, a heavy decision!
But we have voted.
To all participants a lot of luck in the competition!
Lots of love
Baby Wocket Dog and Hootie
Oh my dog
How can anyone decide..these woggies awe faboolous!!!!
good luck to all
smoochie kisses
Holy crud, my mom person can't type, she clicked your link to hear the beautiful lady sing Danny Boy & now she if sobbing like a baby! So beautiful.
Nubbin wiggles,
Wow don't they all look great, I had a hard time voting!!!
See Yea George xxx
I wish I could vote 42 times so I could gib efurrybuddy a vote. So hard to make desishuns...
Norwood's costume is so fitting. He is such a naughty boy. hehe.
They are all so good. :)
Oh heavens, we LOVE them all!
What a fantastic looking lot we all are!!
How can we vote only once? Those dogs are too fantastic! Great contest
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Oh new friend this is hysterical!
Benny & Lily
OMG to many great to decide...hmmm
I came over to vote for Jazzi but I see so many dogs that I know and love and I don't think I can vote for just one!! What to do????????????????????????????
I am not sure how to vote either!
OMD..everyone looks absolutely fabulous! we wish everyone could win. heyho
Well we chose our vote by a show of paws!
Good Luck Everyone.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Oh My Dog! it's impossible to decide-help is right!
these dogs look so beautiful in their costumes. Nice and great
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