Flat Brutus was so sleepy when he arrived in farr N. Idaho.
It stays light here until so late that Mama had to make Brutus a sleep mask.
He then made himself comfortable on one of Baby's beds!
Baby Rocket Dog was a bit suspicious of Flat Brutus after he took over her bed.

I, Hootie, let Flat Brutus lay down next to me. We have become great friends!
These are some photos of Flat Brutus at The Taste of Sandpoint Festival
Here is Flat Brutus at Maps & More in Sandpoint.
Flat Brutus went to visit the Litehouse Blue Cheese Factory
& look what Miss Bonnie recommended he try!!

Here is Mommy with Flat Brutus next to an Emergency Snow Route sign...
AND below it they are selling Hawaiian shirts!!

We are so excited to have Flat Brutus visiting us from Ohio. Mommy said he must accompany her where ever she goes for the next week. We sure hope we get to go with him too. To get to 3D Brutus's bloggie just click on the World Tour photo on our sidebar. His mommy, Michelle, is donating to French Bulldog Rescue for each stop Flat Brutus makes. More info later.
Lots of Welshie Love,