These pics are of Mommy & Hootie with our brand new Subaru Outback. Subaru has advertised for several months now, that they are especially dog friendly. Of course, we know this because we had a Subaru Legacy wagon for years before a rude deer ran into us and totaled it and we just loved it. We are still in Arizona right now, so Daddy purchased our new wheels here. Now, here's the thing: Mommy seems to think Dad bought this car for her, while we know that he actually bought it for US. Of course, we will allow Mommy to chauffeur us around...all the time knowing that it is our car. You might remember that I actually got my Idaho driver's license in February, so when no one is looking Hootie and I can go joy riding for a spin. Don't tell!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie