This is Hootie doing a good "sit" for Daddy. |
Here I am getting my instructions for catching the ball from Daddy. |
Now, this is not an attractive shot of either Hootie or myself. Sheesh Mommy!! |
This is me reluctantly posing for next years Christmas picture. |
Hootie is a bit blurrred in this one, but Mommy liked how he looks so pensive. |
We've had a ton of snow up here in farrr N.Idaho this December. That's fine by us, 'cuz it means we get to play in the snow and go snowshoeing with the folks. Hootie changes his Christmas sweaters every few days because he has a bunch of them. I, on the other hand, try to stay OUT of those stupid things. Mommy makes me wear them on occasion, but I act like I'm being tortured, so she sets me free soon there after. he he. We had our joint Christmas photo taken for next year, if you can believe that. This year we finked out and didn't have one...the weird one below is the closest we came...so I guess we'll make up for it next year.
Well, better go now. Sure hope any of our buddies seeing this have a wonderful holiday season and a great 2013!
Smooches from pooches,
Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie