This is Mommy and Daddy with their GrandSonCat, El Gato.
The following is a post that our mama made on her blog this past Thursday. We wanted to share it with you.
Our daughter and son in law's
cat, El Gato, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, 2/28/12. He was rushed
to the emergency vet and pronounced dead on arrival. The vet said that
he probably had an aneurism that ruptured, causing sudden death. There
was nothing that could be done to save him. He was a wonderful boy and I
fell in love with him from the moment I met him 9 years ago. Everyone
who met him, cat folk or not, thought he was a wonderful cat.
Here is a little history about this serene fellow: The "kids" adopted
Gato early on in their marriage, after finding him starving, shaggy and
frightened in the woods in Issaquah, WA. They went around to all the
local vets and also posted "Cat Found" posters around the area. He was
"de-clawed" (brutal amputation at the knuckles) when they found him so
they figured he was someones indoor cat. When no one came forward to
claim him, they went about getting his proper shots, etc. while nursing
him back to health. He totally became their cat. The only thing I can
say derogatory about Gato is that he was
a miserable not a good traveler. The kids only made one car trip
with him to visit us in Idaho and it was a nightmare apparently. Though he was normally
quiet he made noise and poohed and up-chucked the whole 9 hour trip. I
think that was probably his one and only road trip...and maybe the only
time he was naughty. About 2 years ago when Gato was at the vet it was
discovered that he had a chip implanted in him. The kids were
devastated, fearing they would loose their wonderful cat, but knew the
people that had owned him originally were probably missing him all those
years. They prayed about what to do and decided they needed to contact
the original owners. After many tears, they were prepared for the worst
but hoped for the best. The man that they talked with said that Gato
was purchased for their little boy for his birthday, but when the cat
ran away they got him another present. Just like that, he said, "No
problem. He's your cat now." Our daughter & SIL were so happy.
They called us to tell us the good news and we rejoiced with them. Gato
said nothing...he was a cat of few words, but we know he was happy too.
Rest in peace Gato. You were a good boy and we will miss you.
Well, that is it. Though we have been in the same city several times as Gato, we never got to meet him. He was very high strung and afraid of dogs...And of course there was also the small matter of Hootie wanting to chase and munch on all cats. We still will add our condolences to our hooman sissy and her husband. RIP El Gato.
BabyRocketDog & Hootie