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HOotie is blurry here because he was so excited about the delish Cesar Canine Cuisine he was testing. He was sent a package of different flavors of food, and also Cesar Treats. I, BabyRocketDog, was so jealous because the meals are for small dogs. HOotie did let me share his Cesar® Treats Softies Medley™ though. They are our new favorite treat! The people from Cesar not only sent a package for HOotie to test, but also sent a package for us to give away.
Thanks Cesar people. You're swell!!

Now, for the announcement you have been waiting for. Ta Da! Our wheelie brother's new name is:
Rupert Wheel-bur Lambert
Our friends who suggested these names were Asta, Ramona and Amber-Mae. If you would send your mailing addresses to us we'll get your prizes out to you. Email: cassiejoATjunoDOTcom Since Asta is a small dog, her prize is the package of yummies from Cesar. Ramona and Amber-Mae will have to be surprised.
Sorry this took us so long. Pressing personal matters have been keeping our secretary busy. We love you all and hope you don't forget us.
Smooches from pooches,
Baby Rocket Dog and HOotie