Hey buddies! We wanted to announce that Oskar of
The Daily Oscar has said he'd like to be a prize sponsor. His prize is a really neato Hands Free Leash. It's the 1" leash and is great for running or training and if you'd like to read about it, here's the website
http://www.luckypawsmn.com/store-training%20leash.htm or just click
We also wanted to let you know that we went prize shopping with our mommy yesterday and got some reeeeeally cool stuff too. She let us pick out a few things and also she decided to wait on buying some prizes until we see who wins...I mean, what if Tucker the Great Dane won a little tiny dress?? Wouldn't be much of a prize for him would it? BOL!
We posted more of the entries that came in for our MM2011 Side Entry Costume Contest. You can see them under our Jan.19 post ~ which is where we'll be posting the photos until the Feb 6th entry cut off date. Everyone is just so adorable that it's gonna be a close call in all the categories.
We are VERY lacking in Feline entrants, so if you are a cat or know a cat or have a cat costume, please send us a photo! If you're wondering how the judging will take place, here's our (current) idea: We will have Poochies Choice voting and also Mommy has assembled a non-biased panel of hooman judges here in Phoenix to help out. Remember, usually we've just done GiveAways, and this is our first time doing an
actual contest, so please bear with us. Thanks to all who have sent in their entries so far! Keep 'em coming!! Now we're off to see what's shakin' over at
Mango's place. It looks like the only category left to enter at MangoMinster2011 is the CaT-egory. Get it? Cats. hehe.
Smooches from pooches,
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