Here we are living it up before being sent to End of Summer Camp.

Getting re-acquainted with Auntie Kate.

Kisses for Auntie Kate! Remember me from obedience class??

Bye-bye Mommy. Auntie has everything under control.

Here's a view of where we got to go for walks.

So sorry we’ve been gone so long. Our mommy & daddy went on a trip back east so we went to “end of summer camp” at Happy Tails Bed & Biscuit. We had a great time, because Auntie Kate (the proprietor) took us on walks 4 times a day and has a fun play yard for us to play in & get nice and dirty in! Here are a few pictures of when Mommy left us off for our 10 night stay. That hooman with us is Auntie Kate. A side note here: Auntie hand fed Hootie the first night because he wouldn’t eat his food from a bowl. Now
that is service!
When we got home we were so cruddy that Mom sent us out to get professionally bathed the next day!! All that lovely smell that we had acquired went down the drain. Phooey! At least now we are once again allowed up on the folks bed. BOL.
The folks took some photos while on their trip to Boston. Visited relatives in Massachusetts (with baby Golden Retrievers!) and Pennsylvania (with a 3legged Pit/Lab) so we’ll post them a little later. For now, it’s all BabyRocketDog & Hootie!! The top photo is us just before we left for Happy Tails.
Smooches from pooches,
Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie