Here we are with Flat Brutus heading to the airport to pick Dad up.

This is Mommy, Daddy Flat Brutus, Hootie and me at the 4th of July Parade.

Our buddy Dr. Dre and his mama with flat Brutus.

More of the July 4th Parade.

Yet more of Flat Brutus and the parade. (Hey, where are we??)

Here I am at the hotel in Spokane with Flat Brutus.
I let him play with my toys!

This is Dad, Hootie and our guest, Flat Brutus at the Ramada Inn.

More parade...Don't those flags look glorious?!

Daddy with Hootie and moi!

Mommy with Hootie & me watching the parade.
We had to drive to Spokane, Washington to pick up our daddy last Friday and his plane was canceled. But, he did make it in to Spokane, but veryyyyy late at night so we got to stay at the Ramada Airport Inn. It was lots of fun because we got to introduce Flat Brutus to our pop and also got to run in the rain. Lucky for us Mommy bought us some kibble so we didn't have to starve to death. She also got us some new toys that we broke out at the hotel. On our way home we stopped to watch an Independence Day parade and also stopped in for a quick visit with our buddy Dr. Dre. We wanted to introduce him to Flat Brutus before he left Idaho. All in all, it was not a bad weekend for us. The weather was nice and our dad is home. Yippee!!
Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie