I, Hootie, enjoy my flat lamb that
Sally Ann sent me for being a RAT Council Forum member. Actually, I think of it as a
love gift since Sally Ann has been my sweetheart for a while now.

Baby Rocket Dog is chewing the crown off of her bunny princess that Sally Ann sent her.
Wasn't that sweet of her to think of my big sister??

Now how did this photo get in here? I luuuurve my new flat lamby from my sweetie, Sally Ann. That purse-chew was "a plant" there by Mommy. I don't play with a purse. I'm a masculine Welshie, don't cha know?!
(Note from Mommy: He does too chew on that little purse...Until he got his new toy from Sally Ann, that was one of his favorites. He carried it around everywhere!!)
These videos show our sheer joy with the pressies Sally Ann sent us. They were mailed to our address in Phoenix and Daddy brought them with him when he came home to Idaho. Oh dear Sally Ann, we truly love our new pressies. That was sooooo sweet of you to think of us.
Hope you all enjoy the pictures and videos (which seem to be taking forever to upload). Now we must go visit some more of our bloggy buddies. So many blogs. So little time!!
Smooches from pooches, Hootie & Baby Rocket Dog