We're going to take a cue from our friends Martha and Baily and not post until after the Passover/Easter holiday season (they are at the same time this year!). We'll try to get around to visit other blogs in the mean time. Have a great week. Remember to stop and smell the flowers and we'll see ya'all in April!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
An Early Happy Easter To Ya...
We're going to take a cue from our friends Martha and Baily and not post until after the Passover/Easter holiday season (they are at the same time this year!). We'll try to get around to visit other blogs in the mean time. Have a great week. Remember to stop and smell the flowers and we'll see ya'all in April!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunshine, Lolipops & Rainbows...

Well dear ones, there are so many other wonderful DWBers that we'd have to go on forever, so we will just stop here. We suggest you just go visit the DWB blogsite and visit some new blogs. So many good pooches and hoomans out there.
Smooches from pooches,
ps-There are several dear pooches that need our PawPower right now. Please pop on over to Asta's blog to read her 27thMarch post with names and links. X-BRD
Monday, March 22, 2010
Oh Eric! What A Wonderful Surprise!

Today Hootie and I had the best surprise. Quelle surprise! We received a package from across the pond from our buddy Eric Square Dog. It was full of the most marvelous pressies! We don't usually get presents in the mail, so this was a big deal for us. You might recall that in January when we drove down to Phoenix from Idaho Hootie had made "the great escape" at a pit stop in Rocker, Montana and lost his rabies tag and also his Welsh flag ID tag. Well guess what one of the pressies was from Eric? Yup, a brand new Welsh ID tag engraved with Hootie's name and our phone#. Hootie also got a cool new camo collar by DogzTogz and a Welsh neck kerchief. Mommy said she wants to wear the Welsh neck kerchief because it is so lovely. (Hootie said he'll think about it.) I got a nifty pink kerchief with daisies and words all over it and the most fabulous new collar. You know how I love collars. This one is a beaut! ANd it has a big pink daisy on it with MY name and phone# on it too! Soooo special. As soon as we opened the package we found a note written by Eric on this big WFT post card. (I hope you can see it in our collage above.) There was a nice big squeaky toy by Cruft's that looks just like an award and it says "Cruft's Best In Show" on it. Hootie immediately took the award, because he thinks he's such a great specimen of a Welsh Terrier. BOL! I'm sure the award was really meant for me but I'll allow him his fantasies. We've both already enjoyed chewing on it. Eric (& possibly his mommy!!) even thought of our mommy and sent her some real English toffee and a WFT luggage tag. We don't have words to express how tickled we all are with such excellent pressies. So, thank you Eric and your mommy too for being so thoughtful. We just love all the great stuff!!
Lots of Aire & WelshieSmooches,
Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie the Award Winning Show Dog
Sunday, March 21, 2010
HootieBee & BabyBunny & DaddyRabbit: Oldies but Goodies
Sunday, March 14, 2010
More from the February PetWalk 2010!
This YouTube video was made by David a member of our Dales & Friends Group. (He comes with Maxwell the little Welshie in the red scarf.) There are a couple great shots of Hootie here - he's the one in the blue scarf in case you want to look for him. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
OH NO!!! Hope They Don't Expect US to Do This...
NO words to describe this Golden cutie! Well maybe three: What the hey?!
Smooches, BRD & Hootie
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Baseball Game & Something Funny
On to other subjects. Our Mommy was reading Paw Nation tonight and was nearly busting a gasket she was laughing so hard. It was an article about dogs who eat ... well, poop. The article itself wasn't that funny, it was the comments that cracked her up. If you want a good laugh, read at least through to #40. It's good to have a good belly laugh at least once a week. Click HERE and it should take you to the Paw Nation post.
And on another note, today is our mommy's blog 2 year Blogoversary. If you get a chance, stop by and leave a comment. She digs poochy visitors!
Hope you are all having a great weekend.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
See What A Stinker Hootie Is...
You belong to me Mommy. You're mine, all mine!!!!